With the year 2022 coming to an end, it was time for CircuBAT’s first annual conference. On November 10th, the project partners met in Biel and presented their activities and results to the consortium and a representative from Innosuisse. The project team looks back on a successful first year and will continue to work on closing the loop between production, application and recycling of lithium-ion batteries from mobility.

Special guest from Finland
Rodrigo Serna from Aalto University in Finland was invited as a guest speaker to present the project BATCircle 2.0, the Finland-based Circular Ecosystem of Battery Metals. Serna is Assistant Professor in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering and leader of the work package “Circular battery materials value system” in the project BATCircle 2.0. Once it was time for him to go back to the train station, he was offered a ride in the E-Force One AG electric truck, a donation from Lidl Schweiz to the CircuBAT project.