

CircuBAT is part of the Roadmap Electromobility 2025

For the Roadmap Electromobility, representatives of the economic and public sector have committed to jointly supporting electromobility. Now the initiative, which has been running successfully since 2018, is being strengthened and extended until 2025. The project CircuBAT is one of the measures to achieve the initiative’s ambitious goals.

16 May 2022|Events, Press, Project|

A second life for car batteries

The research project CircuBAT aims to create a circular business model for the production, application and recycling of lithium-ion batteries used for mobility purposes. Seven Swiss research institutions and 24 companies are joining forces to look for ways to boost sustainability in all stages of a battery’s life cycle. The project is part of the newly launched Flagship Initiative of Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency.

31 March 2022|Press, Project|

About CircuBAT

The research project CircuBAT aims to create a circular business model for the production, application and recycling of lithium-ion batteries used for mobility purposes. During four years, seven Swiss research institutions and 24 companies, ranging from material specialists and manufacturing companies to users and providers of electric vehicles, are joining forces to look for ways to improve sustainability in all stages of a battery’s life cycle. The project is part of the newly launched Flagship Initiative of Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency.

Anna Sophie Herbst
Anna-Sophie Herbst
+41 31 848 50 12

Press articles

02 January 2024
Wie Rohstoffe aus Millionen Tonnen E-Auto-Batterien gewonnen werden | Tagesanzeiger
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Ausgabe 04/2023
Eine Partnerschaft für nachhaltigere Batterien | asut-Bulletin
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25 October 2022
Die Batterie: Wann wird sie perfekt? | Die Volkswirtschaft
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Ausgabe 4/2022, Basel
Ein zweites Leben für Autobatterien |
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15 April 2022
Una seconda vita per le batterie delle auto | RSI
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14 April 2022
Une seconde vie pour les batteries automobiles | RTN
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03 April 2022
Un circuit pour prolonger la vie des batteries au lithium | 24 économie
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03 April 2022
Die Schweiz macht Elektroautos sauberer | Blick
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01 April 2022
Autobatterien sollen kreislauffähig werden | Circular Economy Switzerland
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01 April 2022
Green Cubes joins Swiss circular economy project for lithium-ion batteries |
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01 April 2022
E CircuBAT migliorerà l’ecobilancio della mobilità elettrica |
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01 April 2022
Ökobilanz der E-Mobilität verbessern |
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03 March 2022
Forschungsprojekt soll Batterien und E-Mobilität nachhaltiger gestalten | Netzwoche
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31 March 2022
Electric car batteries could soon get a second lease on life |
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31 March 2022
«CircuBAT» verbessert Ökobilanz der E-Mobilität | (idw) Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
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31 March 2022
CircuBAT to analyze battery supply chains |
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